教育 & 使学生具备


皇冠体育官网的使命是教育 & 装备学生为神的荣耀皇冠体育官网. 皇冠体育官网 prepares 学生 to be godly leaders on their college campuses, careers, and community.

愿景 & 值

We pursue this mission while holding fast to a set of core values that we will not compromise. These values include seeking to 荣耀神 in everything we do and say, 教导合乎圣经的世界观, 支持家庭, 追求卓越, 保持完整性, and a continual commitment to Advancing God’s Kingdom in all of our pursuits.



Members of the First Presbyterian Church recognized the need for a school to provide elementary and secondary education from a Christian perspective. After a couple of years of study, they chartered 第一长老会走读学校 in 1970. Their desire was to develop the whole child to live a life pleasing to God, 为第一长老会的家庭服务, 并影响更广泛的社区.



皇冠体育官网位于乔治亚州梅肯市,占地240英亩. 校园包括多个学术空间, 两个操场, 一个美丽的美术中心, 六个运动场, 两个体育馆, 网球场, 多用法院, 以及一个完整的5公里越野赛. One hundred acres of campus are reserved as a conservation easement and used by 学生 for outdoor exploration and nature study.

Map & 位置